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My advice

Don't sell anything to anyone overseas unless you have cash in your hand.

  • Regardless of what you are buying or selling, you are always going to be a target for dishonest people. This is especially true for online.
  • On no account send equipment or refund money to anyone who has not got a confirmed address in the UK.
  • If someone asks to pay for anything by credit card or cheque and post goods abroad just ignore them.

Tips on staying safe doing business with anyone you don’t know!

Cash is King!

However a bank to bank transfer is normally the safest method of receiving money. Cheques paid in at a remote branch are unsafe even after they have cleared as they can be revoked as the money has been transferred dishonestly.

The most common type of fraud on my website is cheque fraud.

Cheque fraud is when a fraudster pays a business for goods or services by a fraudulent cheque.

Often the cheque is made for a higher than the actual value. (but not always) 

 Often the fraudster will ask for a reimburses of an overpayment, or to pay the tranport company.

Even after the cheque has "cleared" for weeks, the bank can informes you cheque was not genuine.

The bank will require you to repay the full amount of the cheque. Not only does the business go unpaid for the goods or services, but loses further money because of the ‘excess payment

Do not accept cheques 

You need to talk to your bank manager to find the most secure method. On no account accept a cheque, bankers draft for more money than you have asked for (it does not matter if it has cleared into your account as it can "bounce" up to 120 days after it's cleared!). Your bank will ask you for the money back even if you have taken it out of your bank account!


  1. Follow Your Instincts: Many buyers or sellers make the mistake of ignoring their gut instinct that tells them something isn't right. If you feel that something “just isn't quite right” about a transaction, then it’s time to start double checking everything.
  2. Ask for a landline telephone number and address. Then “Google” them (most businesses or organisations should have listings in, etc.)
  3. If someone has given you a phone number or address that is different to one published on the website or in the phone book then ring the business and ask to speak to the person who has contacted you. You may be surprised when they have never heard of that member of staff!
  4. Speak to your bank manager for a safe method of payment.